Aloha to Summer - Staff Party
It’s that time of year again. Time to hang up your flip-flops, put away the beach bag, and cover up the grill, as the cold weather rolls in. Well…for most of you that is the case. Here is Southern California, summer is a relative term, but we still thought it deserved an official sendoff!
Our friends at ShinDigZ Party Supply were kind enough to send us another party pack to do our Summer Staff Party right! After the success of our Red Carpet Oscar Party, we were excited to see what ShinDigZ would come through with this time. Needless to say, we were not disappointed!
Table Top Tiki Hut…check! Inflatable Palm Tree Drink cooler....is there any other kind? CHECK! These decorations were top notch and they really dressed up the Drink and Dessert serving station, as well as the table on our roof deck where lunch is usually served. The only things missing were a pig roast and someone who knew how to play a ukulele!
The staff really got into the theme and broke out their finest Caribbean attire. Bright blues and corals, accompanied electric flower print maxi dresses and skirts. The guys (who are the hardest to convince to dress thematically) even wore board shorts and t-shirts!
Of course the flowered leis really pulled everyone’s outfits together by adding an authentic touch.
ShinDigZ is a family-owned party store which is why they offer the little things that help make your party so much more personal. We received three Personalized Surfboard Yard Signs with our company name on them! Needless to say we loved them and they will continue to hang in our office year round!
We hope that you all had as memorable of a summer as we did. We wanted to say 'Mahalo' to our friends at ShinDigZ for helping us make our Aloha to Summer office party one of the best ones yet! We don't know how we're going to top this one...but we do know for sure that we're going to enjoy trying!