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Save $17 on average with JR Cigars promo codes and coupons for October 2024. Today's top JR Cigars offer: 25% Off. Find 5 JR Cigars coupons and discounts at Promocodes.com. Tested and verified on Oct 03, 2024.
5 Coupons Validated recently
Average Savings: $17 at Checkout

Top JR Cigars Coupon Codes

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    Click this link to give your friend's $10 and you get $10 after their first purchase of $50 or more at JR Cigars.

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How to Save at JR Cigars

JR Cigars Coupons and Savings Tips

JR Cigars was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Burlington, North Carolina, USA. Even though the company’s operation is entirely online, JR Cigars offers a better selection than any local cigar store. In addition, JR Cigars is committed to giving you the best value for your money, so you’ll never be short on JR Cigars discounts to get all your favorites at affordable prices.

At JR Cigars you can find different types of cigars; from handmade to filtered, flavored, and machine made cigars. JR Cigars has some top cigar brands in stock such as Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, Montecristo, El Rey del Mundo, Tatuaje, Macanudo and Arturo Fuente. The cigars come in different packaging options so you can order the one that suits you according to your needs and budget. You can order them as singles, bundles, tins or 5-packs. If you want to try out a new brand of cigars, or perhaps try a different strength of a cigar brand you’re already familiar with you can order cigar samplers by price, region, strength, or packaging. JR Cigars even gives you the option to build your own sampler so you can custom pick what you want at a price you can afford, making the task of finding your next best smoke a fun and affordable one. Apart from cigars, JR Cigars offers Vapes, E-Cigs, Humidors, Cigarillos, Pipe Tobacco, and accessories such as pipe cleaners, ashtrays, and cigar cutters and lighters. Get all the premium cigars you want and accessories to go with them at affordable prices with JR Cigars coupons and promo codes from Promocodes.com.

Shipping costs vary according to the shipping method selected. JR Plus members get free shipping on all orders for an entire year with no brand exclusions or minimum purchase requirements. JR Cigars is committed to offering you the best deals on premium cigars, and they throw in free accessories when you buy your favorite smokes. Check the JRCigar deals page for regular updates on JR Cigars discounts and bargain packages so you won’t miss out on the chance to experience new flavors and fun accessories without emptying your pockets. Be on the lookout for weekly specials and offers so you can save money.

JR Cigars prices are hard to beat, and with their price match guarantee you can be sure that you’re getting the best deal on quality cigars. If you find a current lower advertised price by a competitor, JR Cigars will match the price, provided it meets the conditions of their price match policy. For an item to qualify for price matching, the competing company must be verified as an authorized U.S. reseller. The competitor’s price must also be verifiable on the company’s web site and lower than JR Cigars’, including any shipping and handling costs. The item to be matched must be exactly the same in features such as brand, quantity, and size and must be in stock and available for purchase from both the competitor and JR Cigars. Closeout, clearance, wholesale, or discontinued prices will not be matched. Other exceptions include special purchases, rebates, membership club or warehouse pricing, auction prices, or time constrained deals. The price match guarantee offer is limited to reasonable quantities as determined by JR Cigars.

Whether you’re a cigar expert or a newbie, you’ll never go wrong with the JR Cigars Gift Card—the perfect gift for any cigar aficionado. The JR Cigars Gift Card is the perfect gift for any occasion whether you’re gifting it to your dad, boss, or anyone else. You can purchase it as a standard gift card to be mailed, or a virtual gift card that will be sent via email. You’re free to choose any value for the card and make it extra special with a personal message. JR Cigars Gift Cards can be redeemed anywhere on the site.

Join JR Plus for $59.5 a year and enjoy benefits like free shipping without minimum purchase requirements or brand exclusions, and other exclusive JR Cigars deals. As a JR Plus member you’ll be the first to get your hands on new products at JR Cigars. Members also receive a monthly newsletter highlighting the latest and greatest in the industry. Get all your favorite cigars in just a few taps with the JR Cigars mobile app, available for iOS and Android. The app was designed with the aim to make sure you’ll have a great, easy shopping experience online. The massive catalog of premium handmade and domestic cigars and accessories will be right at your fingertips. For your convenience, you can easily re-order your favorites and get access to app-exclusive JR Cigars deals. By signing up for automatic push notifications, you’ll get notified of the latest and greatest JR Cigars coupon codes and snag them with just a few taps on your phone.

Follow JR Cigars on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube and watch some cigar reviews to help you find your next best smoke.

JR Cigars Shipping Policy

Shipping costs vary according to shipping method selected. JR Plus members get free shipping on all orders for an entire year with no brand exclusions or minimum purchase requirements.

JR Cigars Return Policy

Any item can be returned within 30 days of purchase for refund credit or exchange.

JR Cigars Saving Tips

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