High Savings: Top 3 CBD Brands Easing Pain and Eliminating Prescribed Medication

High Savings: Top 3 CBD Brands Easing Pain and Eliminating Prescribed Medication

Brian  Vidal

Brian VidalSep 14, 20183 min read

CBD or cannabidiol is one of marijuana's most talked about compounds, yet it continues to remain widely misunderstood. Until recently, the commonly known ingredient in marijuana was THC, a mind-altering compound, however, innovative research has resulted in the discovery of the medicinal compound CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabis element. Of the 85 unique cannabinoids found in pot, CBD medicinal properties are the most profound.

Although considered to be the best alternative to prescribed medication, CBD’s legality is still continually debated over, even though CBD does not cause hallucination or a high feeling or any other negative symptoms that are usually associated with the prescribed drugs. Also, a study conducted by Hello MD and Brightfield Group revealed that 43% of 2,400 surveyed abandon prescribed drugs for CBD medicinal products because of the harsh side effect induced by chemically enhanced drugs.

prescription pills

It is appropriate to acknowledge that many Americans are abusing prescribed medication while high drug companies profit from their addictive behavior. Instead of easing the pain of the consumer, Big Pharma companies add on to patients list of aches and pain. With high costs of prescriptions and a wide array of side-effects, the cost far outweighs the benefits. However, recent developments in CBD’s medicinal properties have given leeway for companies to create CBD products that are incompetent of being addictive. Also according to health professionals, CBD is being hailed as a potential weapon to combat addiction and opioid epidemics.

So where are quality CBD products found? After thorough research, it has been acknowledged these top CBD brands; CBD Drip, Functional Remedies and Daintri are providing the best quality in relieving pain and producing product at competitive prices and paving a path for the CBD initiative.

cbd oils

CBD Drip

Dedicated to making wellness a possibility to all without comprise, CBD Drip is curating wholistic CBD products that are continually aiding individuals suffering from immense pain side effect of prescribed medications and addictive behavior. Unlike many other CBD manufacturers, CBD Drip prides itself in providing products that are “full spectrum CBD oil” or in other words products that contain all of CBD cannabinoids. CBD Drip has realized synthesizing or isolating CBD will not produce the entire euphoric nature of medicinal CBD.


Daintri curate's products and brands with only the highest quality ingredients showing customers they committed to holistic and natural healing. Also, At Daintri you will find they believe CBD is the future for health and wellness which is why they continually offer competitive prices aiming to become the most trusted CBD retailer in the growing world.

Functional Remedies

Throughout the central nervous system to the musculoskeletal system, there are cannabinoid receptors that are multifunctional receptors waiting to bond with the appropriate CBD dosage suggesting that the human body needs CBD at least every once in a while. At Functional Remedies, they have crafted CBD products which embrace an individual's cannabinoid receptors fostering wellness, homeostasis and the individuals well being. If you are interested in Functional Remedies integrative medicine checks out their daily deals on select product lines and add on to your saving with these promo codes.

In the wake of CBD’s ongoing medicinal success, the nation continues to cling to their prescribed narcotics and opioid-induced overdoses. The future of holistic healing is here, all that is left is legalization.