Pros and Cons of Investing in Online Education

Pros and Cons of Investing in Online Education

Jamie Goodwin

Jamie GoodwinMar 15, 20183 min read

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” This quote, stated by Benjamin Franklin, discusses how investing in your education is an investment in your future. In this day and age, more people are looking to online education for learning. There are websites and apps that offer college courses, professional development opportunities, and more. However, there are drawbacks to using technology to further your education. Weigh the following pros and cons to determine if it’s right for you.


1. Go at Your Own Pace

Whether you’re learning a new skill or completing college credit, it’s helpful to go at your own pace. Doing so ensures that you can master one subject before moving to the next.

2. Work around Your Schedule

When you’re working and busy with a number of things to do, it can be difficult to fit in time for learning. Online education ensures that you can learn on the go, no matter where you are. For example, if you want to learn a new language, download the Duolingo app. Then, use it whenever you have free time—waiting in line, using public transportation, or even resting in bed.

3. Enjoy a Variety of Opportunities

What have you always wanted to learn? With online education, there is a wide range of classes that you can take. Whether you want to improve your drawing skills, learn a new programming language, or learn a new language in general, websites like Udemy offer classes from a wide range of categories to help you with your professional or personal development. Rosetta Stone has opportunities to finally learn that language you have always wanted. With online education opportunities are endless. 

4. Use the Latest Technology

Technology is constantly changing and evolving. As such, you have the opportunity to utilize some of the greatest tools and techniques available to help you learn.


1. Struggle with Varied Quality

Before taking any online education course, it’s important to do your homework. Is the college reputable? Are the online instructors experienced? Read reviews about the program to discover whether it’s worth spending your time and money to take the course.

2. Lose Connections with Others

When you take a course in a classroom, you have the opportunity to learn with others. This can be lost in online education experiences. Some programs work hard to offer opportunities for students to correspond with others. If not, however, you lose the opportunity to make connections. This can be harmful to your learning, especially when it comes to communicating with your instructor.

3. Utilize Dedication and Self-Discipline

Are you someone who works well independently? Do you have the dedication and self-discipline to stick with a class and complete it? This takes a lot of work, but if you have what it takes to complete the course, you can learn a lot in the process.

4. Depend on Technology

Taking online courses or using apps require the use of technology. Do you have a fast Internet connection? Is your computer working properly? Is your phone in good condition? Since you depend on technology to complete the course, you better make sure that everything is working properly so you have the tools you need to excel.

There are several pros and cons for enrolling in online education opportunities. However, there are plenty of advantages to taking the time to better yourself and learn new skills and information that can help you in your professional and personal life.