Celebrating Easter on a Budget
Easter will be here before we know it. It can be easy to go overboard with this holiday, with the new outfits, Easter baskets, and egg hunts. But with a little planning and ingenuity, you can make this holiday fun and special for your family while still getting some great deals.
There's nothing like seeing your children's faces light up at the goodies in their Easter baskets. Be sure to re-use the same baskets each year. Not only will you save money, but your kids will welcome their Easter baskets each year like old friends. Try thrift stores for great deals on cute baskets. Hit the day after Easter sales for the plastic grass, plastic eggshells, and soft friends. Stash them away for next Easter and you will have saved a bundle. Just find a good hiding spot! For the candy, be sure to hit up retailers like Walmart and Target, which offer deep discounts on value sized bags of candy. Separate candies into little baggies, or spread loosely in the baskets (jelly beans are great for this). If you're really clever, save leftover Halloween or Christmas candy and stash in your freezer – they'll still be delicious come Easter. Other fun options for baskets are books – bunny or otherwise themed, coloring books, or a box of new crayons. Think items that they can continue to use long after Easter and your savings will go farther. Check out the books at the after Easter sales for the future. You'll be saving and feeling pretty great that you are so prepared.
Many neighborhoods host free egg hunts for little ones. This means less planning and stress for you, and a guaranteed hit with your kids. These events tend to fill quickly, so plan ahead and get there early. If you don't want to use the same baskets the Easter bunny is going to fill, bring your sand pail from last summer, and there will be plenty of room to fill with goodies.
Make your egg decorating go farther and actually eat the eggs after they've been decorated. Make deviled eggs, egg salad, or keep them as is. Do not throw your eggs away! Compost the egg shells and you'll really be a good citizen. This is another great time to purchase egg dye kits the year prior when they are on sale. Gather the family together a night or two before the holiday and make it a project. If you don't have an egg dye kit, make your own dye with food coloring and vinegar. You likely have these items already stocked in your cupboard.
Walmart and Target are great go-to's for dressing up your little ones in festive garb. Also, check out your neighborhood thrift store for great deals. You will also be doing your part to recycle, so that's a double win. If your budget won't allow for new outfits, focus on accessories. New sparkly tights, a scarf, or a cute tie can create a whole new outfit with what you already have.
It can be easy to go overboard with Easter festivities and goodies. But with a little planning and creativity, you can make this a really fun holiday for your whole family while not breaking the bank.
Have a happy Easter!